Own a piece of future, Be a patron to TinkerHub

TinkerHub Impacted more than 20,000 unique learners last year. We have figured out a way to inspire individual about learning technology to building and shipping. The kind of support and mentorship system that most of us didn't had while we were young.

We really wish to continue our experiments around learning technology, and we wish all the dear people in the community who have personal experience of having a good life with technology skills should be a part of these changes.

Membership Plans

Learner Contributor Community Contributor TinkerHub Believer Patron Startup Partner Company
Monthly email updates
Welcome Letter & Stickers
Surprise Hamper
Foundation Day Invite
Showcase at Space
Quarterly donors call with TH leadership
Donor Plaque
Priority Access to HireHack
Social Media Showcase
Monthly Subbscription

Membership Features

Monthly email updates

We will be sending regular email updates about TinkerHub and TinkerSpace Activities. This will include major highlights from previous month and activities planned for the coming month.

Welcome Letter & Stickers

We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your financial support to TH and as a gesture we will be sending a welcome letter and laptop stickers.

Surprise Hamper

We are sure you will be surprised about this, wait of that courier to come.

Foundation Day Invite

We will be doing an annual conclave to honour all the people who put efforts to building TH, this will be a highly curated, invite only event.

Showcase at Space

There will be a TV at the Main Hall displaying events and activities, we will showcase people who belive in and contributing to TH there. We hope that will encourage more people to take part.

Quarterly donors call with TH leadership

We will be doing a quartely call with all major donors, discussing the present and future activities. This would be one way to have a more closer look and give your suggestions to the team.

Donor Plaque

We want you to showcase this at your office or home, letting everyone know you are part of a change group and maybe drive more people towards our activities.

Priority Access to HireHack

When you are trying to hire, we surely will put a good name to people we know about the company culture and founders. We will put our best efforts to get you best talents.

Social Media Showcase

We will do a shoutout to the community through social media about the company supporting TH activities.

If you have chosen the plan, Lets move to next step

Hello Al Meharkka!

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