"Recap: MakerChat0x1A - Crafting Magical Wands in the Modern Age"

Relive the magic! MakerChat0x1A recap - Crafting Harry Potter-style wands with TinyML & Seeed XIAO at TinkerSpace Kochi. Enchanting creativity at its best!

 · 1 min read

Missed the magical experience? Here's a recap of MakerChat0x1A, where enchantment met technology, and attendees crafted their very own Harry Potter-style magic wands at TinkerSpace Kochi.

✨ Event Highlights:

*TinyML and Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense: Participants delved into the enchanting world of TinyML and the Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense microcontroller, the magical heart of their creations.

*Creating Magical Spells: Learning to code, attendees brought their wands to life, performing spells and tricks reminiscent of the wizarding world.

*Unleashing Creativity: Wand customization was the order of the day, with unique designs turning each wand into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

🪄 Recapture the Magic: Though the event has concluded, the memories linger. Relive the wizardry by exploring social media highlights and shared experiences under the event's hashtag.

🎉 Gratitude: A big thank you to all attendees, making MakerChat0x1A a magical success. Stay tuned for future events, and keep the magic alive in your creations! 💫

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